Aerowatcher software is designed for EO/IR payload operators, providing them a full set of tools to effectively collect visual information, analyze it, save it and create after-mission reports. It is a combination of different software tools to control the EO/IR payload, show real-time location of the payload on the map, the field of view of the camera projected on the map, locations of the objects on the map and much more. Aerowatcher is a comprehensive solution that eases EO/IR payloads operations and saves you time and effort.
Aerowatcher sample video
Video footage from USG-212 EO/IR gimbal installed on PD-1 drone. Mission control software allows the operator to see where the drone is flying, what is currently in the field of view of the camera, add targets on the map and get coordinates of the target in real-time.
Operator online mode gives you a full set of tools to run your surveillance mission and get the maximum amount of formation from it. It allows controlling your payload from a laptop or tablet. The software gives you full information about the current status of the mission. Live location on the map, the status of the payload, live video and geo- coordinates of the target, video, payload control and ability to change preferences on- the-go. Furthermore, you can save objects that you see on the video to the database with just one click, see them on the map, point a camera to them when needed.
Videoinformation area
This is where you see video from your EO/IR payload, can control all movements of the gyro-stabilized platform, control preferences and features of RO and IR sensors, such as zoom, sensitivity, contrast, etc.
Right above the main video you have a green bar, which provides the coordinates of the object in the middle of the frame (center of the frame is marked with a red cross).
Is where you see on the map current location of your drone and area where your gimbal is pointed. It also has all detected objects. Moving map helps a lot to know the current mission location and plan the next steps.
Objectson the map
Capture what you see and where you see it with just one click on the video. Doesn’t matter where you will click the system will save this object and immediately will add this to the map, together with its photo.
See names of the streets, object, and other useful information right above the video in real-time, so you won’t miss anything.
Post-processing mode – mission replay and analytics
Sometimes you miss important things when you are in a rush or there is simply not enough time to carefully study the video during the flight. This is why we introduced post-processing mode. Upload videos or photos from the drone, together with the log file, to the software, and you will enter the replay mode that fully simulates the flight. You can view the same video already synchronized with the flight route. Utilize a full set of tools, such as video enhancement, zoom, and annotations, to make the most of your visual materials and gather as much information as possible.
Features:● Automatically combine flight route with photo/images;● See on the map where you are flying;● Click on any part of the photo and get coordinates of the object;● Replay the flight as if it as movie: play, pause, fast-forward;● Powerful video and photo editing tools.
Reporting tools
Reporting module allows you to quickly generate a standardized report of your aerial surveillance. It will contain general information about your flights, such as time and date, duration, total distance traveled, number of detected object and flight route. Right after that, you will find every object that was detected during the current session. Object description includes general information, coordinates, photo and location on the map. The report can be exported as PDF file and can be easily forwarded to a client and passed by to a decision-maker.
Features:● Quickly generate standard PDF reports;● Save all objects on live map;● Include general information of the flight;● Personalized reports.
Contact us for more information
Contact us if you got any questions or need any kind of assistance. Our professional managers, engineers, and technicians will handle any tasks for you.
+38 063 358 49 63